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Adam and eve ip booter

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Hassan was sitting in front of them and telling them that this was merely a taste of what was to come when they died and went to Heaven. The assassins were initiated as mentioned above, and when they got to the last part of the truth, they were "killed", but really they were just put to sleep, then drugged with hash and opium and awoke in a cave with beautiful women, hot springs and all kinds of Heaven-like paraphernalia.

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Or so they thought, because they still had Hassan to thank for this revelation, and they had come to this insight by way of his teachings, so they were still his puppets.īy the way, I believe the Assassins might be the inspiration for modern day suicide bombers, because their technique seems quite similar.

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The real assassins were indoctrinated by coming through a number of circuits, at each one learning a higher truth than in the preceding one, each time learning that what they thought they knew before was a lie and that the version offered in the circuit they were presently in was the truth, until they came to the last circuit where they learned that _nothing_ is true, and therefore everything is permitted so in a sense, they were set free of any limitations. The first game initiates the player into the meaning of this creed - at the end Altair realizes that there is an equal amount of responsibility connected to the freedom of knowing the truth. By many he was seen as an "evil" person, much like he is depicted in the first game, but he was most likely a great genius in the tactics of war and politics.Īnyway, his creed was the same as in the game: nothing is true, everything is permissible. He used an ingenious manipulation technique to convert people and to live by the creed of his order, and he used the Assassins to control politics from the shadows. Hassan was, according to the meager amount of clear evidence there is about this man, at one time a prominent figure in the politics of Persia who, after he was disbarred and exiled, according to what some sources claim, formed one of the most efficient means to control people throughout recorded history, namely, the Hashishims, or Assassins as they later came to be known. Then there's the creed of the assassins, which stems from Hassan I Sabbah, the old man of the mountain, where he had his castle Alamut, which in the game instead is called Mazyaf. Note also that Subject 16 is depicted as a victim of his oppressors, the ministers of Christianity. In AC2 subject 16 does precisely that by leaving the glyph clues.

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Satan - as he was called after his fall to Hell - wanted to force Mankind to take responsibility for its actions by revealing The Truth. Lucifer was the angel who refused to kneel before Man, was sent to Hell as punishment, and, ****ed at God, tricked Eve to trick Adam to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge, thus making them realize "what was going on", and thereby making them responsible for their actions where before they were the innocent creation of the God YHVH. Secondly, this is further confirmed by the fact that the games are about fighting against the supposedly evil and corrupt templars, the Christian army, who work to enslave the entire planet's population by controlling people's minds, which the assassin order attempts to stop by, supposedly, freeing the forbidden fruit of knowledge from the evil clutches of the Christian order. First off, how about the game title's initials for an easy giveaway? Assassin's Creed = AC = Anti-Christ. I find it strange that no one seems to be interested in the - to my mind - obvious Satanic, or at any rate Luciferian tendencies of these two games.

Adam and eve ip booter